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Just had our third miscarriage - our story
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Chris Whitfield
Aug 16, 2022
Dear Tim, Firstly, our condolences go out to you and your wife. Thank you for sharing your traumatic story, I’m fairly certain that could not have been easy, but I hope that the fact you’ve wrote this all down, has allowed you to express some of the feelings you wanted to by doing so? It never gets any easier to process, I have only been through one miscarriage and that was enough to make me consider whether we should try again and possibly go through the heartache all over again. So I can totally understand your reasoning behind the doubts about the future. The fact that you and your wife are able to talk and comfort each other, is huge. That’s what I found helped me, was the fact that I opened conversations with my wife fairly soon after our pregnancy loss, this allowed us to be open with each other, and share the grief. Some of the guys on our admin team have been through multiple losses so they are probably in a better position to answer you further with regards to their decision making and future thought processes. Of course, like you say, there is other avenues available should you wish to look at those. If at any point you think you may need some professional help (other than our peer to peer) we can pinpoint you in the right direction using our connections also. For now though, feel free to use the site as you wish, and reach out to us further if you ever feel that you just need a chat with someone. It can be a lonely time, and we want to help every single person we can and let them know that they are not alone. Chris MFM 💚
Allowing myself to grieve
In Welcome to the Forum
Chris Whitfield
Mar 24, 2022
Good morning Brando, thank you for sharing your post. Firstly, on behalf of Miscarriage For Men, let me offer our deepest condolences on yours and your partners pregnancy loss. Well done for getting the courage to write this post, it takes guts. I was the same when I wrote my first post, and spoke about it openly. I questioned if it was the right thing to do, but I’m so glad that I did. It gave me a platform to allow myself to grieve, it sort of gave me a sense of meaning as all the focus had been on my wife, and rightly so as she was going through it physically and mentally, but I too was hurting but didn’t know how to speak or where to go. Hence I created this platform for exactly these reasons. In situations like this, it’s natural that us men become the protector, we naturally go into defence mode and want to fix the situation, unfortunately this is a situation that cannot be ‘fixed’ and I think that’s what played with my mind so much. I am assuming from reading your post you were the same. Throwing yourself back into work etc, I done exactly that and then quickly realised I needed some time off to process what was going on. My advice to you is just take each day as it comes mate, you will go through the emotions and there will be certain triggers that will start the grief. Don’t let anyone tell you how long you should grieve for, only you can determine that. We are here whenever you need us mate, even if you just want a friendly chat, feel free to pop us a DM, or continue the chat on here. If you and your partner feel that you need some professional help we also work with many wonderful charities who we can put you in touch with. You are bang on the money when you say that your wife needs you as much as you need her right now, talk to her, tell her how you are feeling, yes there will be tears, but I bet you will both feel more comfort knowing you can ride this storm together. Stay safe, Chris MFM 💚
In Welcome to the Forum
Chris Whitfield
Oct 23, 2021
Hi Martin, Firstly, our deepest condolences go out to you and your partner on your pregnancy loss. It’s such a difficult thing to go through in a relationship, and it does put added strains on the relationship also, most of it attributed to grief and stress of the situation you were going through at the time. I’d suggest that you try and talk to your partner again, explain that you’ve bottled this feeling up for so long and explain you’ve done because of the past experience you have faced. Explain to your partner that you were concerned that the same would happen again so you were not sure how to approach the subject. Tell your partner exactly how you are feeling, if you feel strong enough. However, do it when you feel you can. Going straight into it when you don’t feel ready, could result in the message you are trying to get across become mixed. My personal experience, I told my wife we needed to talk as I needed to be able to clear my head in order to help both of us moving forward. It was very difficult to do so, but it needed to be done. It was one of the hardest conversations I’ve ever had to have. It’s likely that you will feel the same. We aren’t professionals mate, just a group of guys who’ve been through this, but we are here to help as much as we can. You can always reach us by DM also if you don’t want to talk openly in the forum. If you feel that you need more professional help, we can point you in the right direction and put you in touch with some of the fabulous people we collaborate with. I’m sure some of the other guys will be along soon and offer their advice. Look after yourself and your partner and know we are here when needed. Chris MFM 💚
In Welcome to the Forum
Chris Whitfield
Jul 29, 2021
Hi Mikky, Firstly, I’m sorry to hear of what you and you wife are currently going through. I can imagine that everyday must feel like a right challenge at the moment. Every person is different in the way that they handle emotions. You say that you are currently feeling disconnected, do you think that is because you are now fearing the worse due to the way the hospital are talking? Or have you felt like that from the start? Mine and my wife’s miscarriage was at 14 weeks, so we were not as far on as you, but I know the closer it got to that delivery date, I think I’d have felt worse than I already did. Talking with your wife Is a brilliant thing to do, whilst it might be heartbreaking and hard to do, you need to be there to support each other as much as you can as you go through this experience. I agree with you, that the hospital already making plans is a bit disrespectful. Until the outcome happens, they should be coaching you both through this scenario you are in, but on the other hand they may just be trying to prepare you and ease in the ‘what if’ factor also. However, I fully agree with what you are saying - how can you make plans now when they don’t know for sure! With regards to practical parts of the time after, everyone deals with grief in their own way, there is no right or wrong way to deal with grief. Make sure you are there for your partner, comfort her when she needs it, wait on her hand and foot, if needs be but remember to take time out for yourself also! There is nothing worse than being in a room alone with your thoughts. Just know that we are here for both of you, and if you feel that either of you need some professional help, we work with some wonderful charities who can help you out also. If you prefer to speak in DM rather than in the forum, please feel free to message us via inbox. My thoughts and prayers are with you both. Chris.
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Chris Whitfield


CEO - Miscarriage For Men

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