Here are some extracts from a poem I wrote to help me grieve the loss of our unborn child 3 years ago
Light of Day/Days of Light
You never saw the light of day...
... I love you my child
Though your existence is one I can't grasp
Never were you a product
You were alive
Though I can't access you
Eat with you
Laugh with you
And teach you like I do your lovely siblings
One day it hit me and have never been the same again
Though you can't come to me
One day I will go to you
When the time is right
(Though time is never ours to own)
You taught me that
I won't find you in your mother anymore
Nor in ornaments
Nor in flowers
Nor in any other living thing
I won't find you on the edge of suicide
That was an illusion, a delusion
The idea I entertained, a dark place never explored though seemed the only way to go...
Now I spends my days in the light
Thank you my child...
Sam, Firstly, welcome to the forum. I’m sorry that you have had to find yourself coming to our site and my deepest condolences are with you and your family on your baby loss. Thank you so much for sharing this beautiful poem. I’m sure it will resonate with many. Best regards Chris