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Join date: Mar 8, 2021


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While grieving and accepting the loss of your unborn child is something that nobody can prepare for, it is reassuring to find a support network aimed at men's wellbeing. The tagline "It's ok to not be ok" was the reason why I joined this site as I think it perfectly encapsulates what many go through during pregnancy losses.

We have experienced several Miscarriages followed by an In-Utero Bleed on the Brain, resulting in Hydrocephalus and Congenital Nystagmus for our Son. Our most recent pregnancy sadly resulted in termination due to Acrania-Anencephaly (Our Baby's Skull was not forming) and due to Covid we had limited face-to-face support from family.

I was fortunate to have strong support in place from family and friends to help us through the difficult times and I know from experience that different people approach their losses in different ways. If I can, I will gladly help anybody through their experience at whatever stage in their journey they are.


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