It has been 10 years since my wife and I lost our baby. We were picking out names and buying clothes when, without any warning, my wife miscarried. We went from celebrating to grieving and it seemed like those around us were so uncomfortable and didn't know what to say, that we failed to talk much about the experience. Sadly, we almost felt a need to just heal and move on. It has taken us 10 years to recognize the celebration of life and deposit already in Heaven. We now include our angel baby when listing names for holiday decorations around the house and open to talk about her memory.
Thank you for creating this place to address this topic.
Hi Acasalino, Firstly, my deepest condolences go out to you and your partner on your pregnancy loss. Unfortunately, that is the biggest problem, people don’t know how to talk about it. None of us do but that where we are hoping to change things. We are not professionals, but we will listen and we will share our experiences in the hope that helps others. Don’t let anyone tell you how to grieve, even now, and I love the fact that you include your angel baby in the holiday decorations. Myself and my wife have created a memory box for our angel baby, and have had a canvas made with special keepsakes on it. Feel free to reach out to us further on here, or in a DM. Stay safe and look after your partner / family. Chris.